Blues Festival - More Drawing in Public

These figures were hard to capture, because once again, everyone kept moving. For instance, the woman in the middle of the page stretched out - the minute I finished drawing her toes, she curled her feet underneath her. A minute later, she stretched out on her back with her hat covering her face from the glare. Some of the others would just get up and walk off as I started to draw. However it was a great day of sketching and music. Maybe I will go back to an open studio session to treat myself to a drawing session from a model that will actually stay still. But I have to say I think I prefer drawing "live", trying to capture the moment. You can't duplicate the overall experience in a "posed" open studio session.
People ALWAYS move no matter how carefully and slowly you pull out your sketchbook. It's like trying to photograph a wild deer or catch a butterfly or something. Slowly, slowly pull out pen...keep eyes on book slowly no fast movements...quietly uncap pen and all the while you are thinking, "don't look at me, don't look at me, just keep doing what you are doing" and then boomph! GONE!
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