Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Everyday Matters Challenge 48-New Year's goal

The challenge for Everyday Matters this week is: "to draw something that represents a personal goal or wish for the new year. Let your drawing of the item help focus you on your goal".

So with my colored pencils, I drew my gym bag - I have been swimming laps for two years and I want to keep committed to that goal as well as more exercise such as walking. I also did a graphite sketch & made some notes for myself from a lesson in a drawing book because this year I want to focus on drawing facial features!! I have to keep in mind that if I remember that usually certain features line up in such a way that if you are accurate with your measurements/placement, you might actually draw something that looks like the individual!


Blogger Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Hey Laurie!
Thank you so much for that warm welcome :). Yup, that particular illo of the girl witht he book is one of my favourites too...I call it 'Leisure'...and the one of the girl on the beach? Well, I like it because of how well the facial features and the collage on the skirt turned out :)...Glad you enjoyed them as well as I did :)

All the best with your resolution! I'm not even bothering to make any of mine gym-related *groan*...I'd find it impossible to stick to it

Anyhoo :D, Seeya

3:50 AM  
Blogger Lin said...

GREAT Resolutions! I've succeeded in walking 4 miles this year -- yeah -- but haven't drawn my shoes yet -- LOVE your bag and your resolution!!

4:33 AM  
Blogger Laureline said...

I like your spirit and I think these drawings are very strong, Laurie. I bet you'll be so happy in a couple of months at the progress your daily work will bring.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Teri said...

Great job on that bag Laurie. Good personal challenges and I know you will do them faithfully.

10:14 AM  
Blogger MD said...

The bag is fabulous!!! Good luck with your resolutions and keep up the sketching. They are really great!

3:25 PM  
Blogger Chan Wah Chen said...

Nice colored pencil drawings and great goals for the new year.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Great goals for 2006 -- your drawings are wonderful!

6:14 PM  
Blogger "Maggie & Kevin" said...


What a neat sketch of facial features and how to line to develop a facial drawing using these figures. I studied this in school but never pay much attention to it when drawing. I think I will start to pay more attention to it and see if my facial illustrations improve.

Thank you for your kind remarks about my work, so encouraging! Happy New Year!

7:35 PM  

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